Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

We won't be long in April

22 April 2018

Reading time: 1 min

We won’t be long in April. Today we just have some shots from the first few weeks of April. The hu’parents went away to visit family in the UK for a week or so, Auntie Emma came to stay with us. We looked after her well. We will do a separate post about the problems Khumbu has had with his foot and neck. Also we promise we will get around to visiting everyone’s blogs again soon, we have a lot of reading to catch up on.

The obligatory dip in the acequia
The obligatory dip in the acequia
Rita lost in the grass. Everything was growing quickly after all the rain we had been having
Rita lost in the grass. Everything was growing quickly after all the rain we had been having
Spot Khumbu, yep everything was growing quickly
Spot Khumbu, yep everything was growing quickly
Khumbu found himself a Rita headrest
Khumbu found himself a Rita headrest
Arko walking up the acequia
Arko walking up the acequia
For some reason hu'mum thought it would be funny to put a t'shirt on Arko
For some reason hu'mum thought it would be funny to put a t'shirt on Arko
A murky day picture from the Ermita, we think it was the dust from the Sahara again
A murky day picture from the Ermita, we think it was the dust from the Sahara again
Khumbu at the vets. We will post a separate post about the issues with Khumbu's foot and neck
Khumbu at the vets. We will post a separate post about the issues with Khumbu's foot and neck


The Ao4: Khumbu - where can I get a head rest like that?!? It looks very comfy! Ha roo roo roo! Yours sincerely, Margaret Thatcher
