The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
27 April 2010
Reading time: 1 min
This morning I looked like this
Early afternoon I looked like this after Auntie Emma came to visit and decided to brush me!
Then the humans decided it was time I had a new look, lost the dreadlocks and smartened up. Out came the scissors
Next shockingly came a bath
Then I got to dry off. We went to investigate someone walking past the house
Khumbu and Bruno were a real pain, they would not leave me alone. I think they thought there was a new pup in the house. Khumbu kept trying to get me to play, does he not realise the trauma ive just been through. Bruno just ran around after me with a strange squeak coming from him!! Ive had to be very harsh on Bruno because he was a real pest. So it seems this is my new look, what do you think of it??
Jules: Awwwwwwww you look sooooo cute xx
Anna: Tapa, you look just bonny, can you keep the look for a while…. you might get lots of loves from the humans. x