The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
19 December 2017
Reading time: 2 mins
We did a long walk today. No idea why, but hu’mum decided we should do a few loops adding on different sections.
We had major excitement on part of the walk, Red-legged Partridge!! No photo though, one day hu’mum will get one.
Rita went free for part of this walk. She did great until we hit our own land, then she was gone and didn’t come home until breakfast was served. She won’t be off lead again.
The OP Pack: That’s a mighty impressive paw print, Arko. Hope you can catch a photo of the red partridge. That would be fun to see. Mom says we all would have been off for the hunt too. Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
KB: Wow, I love the paw print! Shyla used to be naughty, running amok when we got on our own land. Now, I give her a jackpot of cheese and meat as soon as we get in the door. It’s worked beautifully. She now is first in the door! You might consider something like this but Rita is a different breed so it might not work…
Khumbu: That is a great idea Kyna, thank you. I shall certainly give it a go.